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Author(s):      Isabelle Rösel
ISBN:      978-989-8704-36-8
Editors:      Piet Kommers, Tomayess Issa, Adriana Backx Noronha Viana, Theodora Issa and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2021
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Digitalization, COVID-19, Adaptive Performance, Organizational Culture, Organizational Climate
Type:      Short
First Page:      202
Last Page:      205
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      This work-in-progress paper examines the current state of research on the relationship between digital transformation processes and adaptive performance with particular reference to corporate culture and climate. In addition, research gaps and approaches for further investigations are identified. Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in late 2019, both individuals and companies have been forced to make radical changes. The pandemic has disrupted working methods and environments, with digitalization, in particular, being used as a solution to prevent workers from spreading the infection. Some studies show that the acceleration of the digital transformation will have a long-term impact on the world of work. Digitization arises problems for employees like increased workloads, increased sense of stress and pressure, and the perception of greater control over their work performance. Thus, the increased use and growing number of digital technologies have an impact on the health and performance of employees and consequently on the economic success of companies. In this context, the influence of digitalization on the adaptive performance of employees should be considered. The VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) environment requires individuals to be able to adapt to changing work situations to achieve organizational goals. Various dimensions of adaptive performance, such as dealing with crises and stress, learning new work tasks, and problem-solving, are reinforced and influenced by digitalization. However, adaptive performance is especially influenced by motivation inside an organization. Two phenomena are credited with influencing and motivating employees to actively engage in change processes and thus either promote or inhibit effective adaptive performance: corporate culture and climate. The terms organizational climate and organizational culture are often used synonymously, but this does not do justice to their meaning. Organizational culture refers to deeply rooted behavioural expectations and values such as the corporate vision, norms, and values. On the other side, the corporate climate describes the psychological influence of the company on individual well-being and functioning. If climate and culture research is viewed from a functional perspective, both phenomena become objectively detectable and can be measured and interpreted. This study looks at both concepts in relation to digitalization and adapts existing dimensions to important influences of digital technologies. The literature review reveals research gaps in the extent to which digital change affects adaptive performance, and many researchers do not distinguish between climate and cultural research. Therefore, considering the effects of digitalization on social constructs at the organizational level (climate and cultural research) and the associated impacts on the adaptability of employees (adaptive performance) at an individual level is important. This research aims to give managers and consultants in the corporate context as well as researchers in the scientific field a new perspective on digital transformation by focusing on adaptive performance. Further investigations and empirical studies can identify changes in work performance due to increased digitization and provide recommendations for actions to improve human resource development.

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