Home Digital Library DL Subscriptions
Digital Library Subscriptions

The IADIS DL is an invaluable tool regarding computer science and information systems related domais, including a wide range of fields from Applied Computing to Web Based Communities or even e-Learning contents.

DL subscriber will get prompt access to more than 7 years of journal and conference paper peer-reviewed publications.

Current DL contents are 2 journals and 22 conferences, accounting for more than 15,000 authors availability.

IADIS DL contents

The Journals part of the subscription are:

·         IADIS International Journal on WWW/INTERNET (ISSN: 1645-7641)
·         IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems (ISSN: 1646-3692)

The Conferences part of the subscription are:

·         IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet
·         IADIS International Conference e-Society
·         IADIS International Conference e-Learning
·         IADIS International Conference Information Systems
·         IADIS International Conference Applied Computing
·         IADIS International Conference Web Based Communities
·         IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age
·         IADIS International Conference e-Commerce
·         IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning
·         IADIS International Conference Intelligent Systems and Agents
·         IADIS International Conference ICT, Society and Human Being
·         IADIS International Conference Web Virtual Reality and Three-Dimensional Worlds
·         IADIS International Conference Wireless Applications and Computing
·         IADIS International Conference Informatics
·         IADIS International Conference e-Health
·         IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction
·         IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies
IADIS International Conference Visual Communication: Creative Industries, Photography and Culture
·         IADIS European Conference Data Mining
·         IADIS International Conference Telecommunications, Networks and Systems
·         IADIS International Conference Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing
·         IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
·         Conferencia Ibero-Americana IADIS WWW/Internet (contents in Spanish and Portuguese)

Advantages of the IADIS DL:

·         Up-to-date research in pdf format;
·         Access to full contents of all published papers;
·         Easy search engine for DL querying;
·         Frequent updates.

IADIS DL subscription prices

·         Individual Subscription (part of IADIS membership) – 75 Euros;

·         Institutional (i.e. Universities / Libraries / other) Subscription (contact the secretariat).

Valid for one year subscription.

Library Recommendation

Form to send to your library to recommend the subscription of the IADIS DL (contact the secretariat).


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