IADIS Publication ethics and malpractice statement

All IADIS publications follow the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible procedures against any publication misconduct and malpractice. IADIS does not accept any type of plagiarism, which means that any author replicating a significant part of another's work without acknowledging him/her or passing another's work off as his/her own are not tolerated and not published.

All authors submitting their works to one of our publication (that will be available in our digital library at http://www.iadisportal.org/digital-library/showsearch) as original works confirm that the submitted papers are their own contributions and have not been copied in whole or in part from other works.

It is ensured that the entire publication process is meticulous and objective. IADIS is committed to guaranteeing ethics in publication and quality of articles. A high standard of ethical behavior is therefore expected of all parties involved, that is Authors, Editors, Reviewers and the Publisher.

Furthermore, all works not in accordance with these standards will be removed from the publication if malpractice is revealed at any time even after the publication. Every case of suspected plagiarism or duplicate publishing will be reported.


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