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Author(s):      Tracey L. Leacock , Carmen L. Z. Gress
ISBN:      978-972-8924-48-5
Editors:      Kinshuk, Demetrios G. Sampson, J. Michael Spector and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2007
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Educational psychology; academic writing; revision of writing; self-regulated learning; gStudy; educational technology.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      100
Last Page:      106
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Previous research has investigated technological supports for the self-regulation of studying and learning using the gStudy e-learning environment. This work extends the research into the realm of academic writing, focusing specifically on the application of digital tools to support self-regulation of revision in academic writing tasks. The study described here is a first-step in a larger three-year project looking at technologies to support learners in becoming more effective at revising their own and others’ writing. Participants use gStudy tools to explicitly identify links between their own drafts and the provided evaluation criteria prior to revising their work. Data collection will occur in Fall 07. We hypothesize that learners who explicitly link segments of their work to the criteria will make better decisions about what to revise for the final version than those who have access to the criteria but who engage in a linking activity unrelated to the specified evaluation criteria. In addition to allowing standard analyses of pre- and post-revision text, gStudy’s activity logging tool will enable our analysis to probe far more deeply into what the participants in each condition actually do while revising than can be done when analyzing only written products and self-report data.

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