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Author(s):      Lucian Valeriu Scipanov, Daniel Roman, Petri?or P?tra?cu and D?nu?a M?d?lina Scipanov
ISBN:      978-989-8704-51-1
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes, Pedro IsaĆ­as, Tomayess Issa and Theodora Issa
Year:      2023
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      e-Education, e-Learning, e-Training, Military science
Type:      Full
First Page:      67
Last Page:      74
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      This approach aims to examine the evolution of teaching-learning processes in higher military education following the pandemic crisis, based on the experience gained by teachers. It will consider the main changes and effects resulting from the increased use of mixed methods, including eLearning and e-Training tools, online platforms, and other e-Education resources. The authors will focus on the utilization of these tools in educational processes in general, with a particular emphasis on the field of military sciences, where their teaching and research activities are conducted. The technological advancements have also led to the recognition of the importance of incorporating artificial intelligence into decision-making and operational processes. Therefore, in the field of military sciences, it is acknowledged that the lessons learned from crisis situations should be integrated, enhancing the educational process through the appropriate use of eLearning and e-Training tools in future endeavors. Through this approach, the authors aim to enhance the quality and efficiency of the teaching-learning process by combining traditional and computer-assisted teaching tools. The desired outcome is the dissemination of best practices and experiences in e-Education specifically tailored to the field of military sciences. As military sciences primarily involve dynamic activities that require physical presence and active participation, the use of online platforms is considered relatively niche. Consequently, teaching and learning activities have been separated, and distinct stages have been identified, integrating e-Learning and e-Training tools, including artificial intelligence, alongside traditional methods, while maintaining participants' physical involvement in the process.

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