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Author(s):      Bernhard Jäger, Martin Bartenberger, Peter Leitner
ISBN:      978-989-8533-16-6
Editors:      Bebo White and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2013
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Open Data, Big Data, Open Government Data, Open Business Data, Open NGO Data, Open Politics Data.
Type:      Reflection Paper
First Page:      363
Last Page:      367
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The rapid expansion of Open Data enforces the distribution and availability of information including a variety of innovative applications and services. While the usage of Open Government Data is already established and strongly discussed, the Open Data movement in other sectors is still at its beginning. This reflection paper adds to the discussion on current challenges and future potentials of Open Data. Besides the current discourse on the impacts of Open Government Data on the economy, societal challenges and the scientific sector there are additional fields that could massively benefit in building up own Open Data strategies. This will be exemplified in presenting three promising domains. Especially the corporate sector holds manifold opportunities to raise efficiency and innovation processes by developing own Open Data resources. In addition Open Data could be used in the political sector to increase efficiency of public agencies and to promote transparency of political processes. Furthermore in this context the NGO sector is crucial too and how it could benefit by using Open Data to raise attention for its work.

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