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Author(s):      Peter Ilic
ISBN:      978-989-8704-28-3
Editors:      Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez, Piet Kommers, Tomayess Issa and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2021
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Digital Ecosystem, Mobile Education, Curriculum Design, ICT
Type:      Short
First Page:      255
Last Page:      259
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      In this study, a short survey was employed to understand better the learners' degree of technological adoption in relation to their educational activities. The first question this research seeks to identify is which technological devices are most popular with learners. The second question is to identify any differences in device preference across age groups. The data gathered can be applied to a later study to "map" learners' Digital Ecosystems in order to understand the present position occupied by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the learners' educational activities. Digital Ecosystem refers to all the digital devices a student has at their disposal to leverage towards the learning goal. Today, it is still unclear to what degree students have embraced these technologies for educational purposes, and so it is uncertain what the impact of this Digital Ecosystem has on education in general. Results indicated the PC Laptop was the most popular device followed by the Smartphone for all age groups except 45 to 60 year-olds who preferred the Smartphone with PC Laptop second. The only device to have statistically significant variation across age groups was the Smartphone. This paper includes introduction, methodology, results and discussion, and conclusion sections.

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