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Author(s):      Paul Lam, Carmen K. M. Lau and Chi Him Chan
ISBN:      978-989-8533-88-3
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes and Pedro Isaias
Year:      2019
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Flipped Classroom, Assessment, Learning Process, Learning Analytics
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      123
Last Page:      130
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      A successful flipped classroom relies heavily on student engagement in pre-class learning and their active participation in classroom activities. However, much to studentsÂ’ disappointment, their efforts in the learning process often go unnoticed in traditional assessment approaches (such as term papers and final examinations) that are more product-oriented. As one of the important goals of the flipped classroom approach is to improve studentsÂ’ learning behaviors and attitudes, we argue that more attention should be shifted to assessing the learning process in order to align with such goal. In this paper, we advocate the use of learning analytics as one of the assessment components in flipped classrooms. We show how this change in assessment can be beneficial to both student learning and teacher reflection. We also indicate some limitations on current learning management systems (LMS) in providing the learning analytics for assessment purposes and suggest several revisions on LMS for better facilitating implementation of the flipped classroom approach.

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