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Author(s):      Alcínia Zita Sampaio and Luís Araújo
ISBN:      978-989-8533-85-2
Editors:      Piet Kommers, Pascal Ravesteijn, Guido Ongena and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2019
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      BIM, Parametric Modelling, Information Extraction, Energetic Analyses
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      127
Last Page:      134
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The construction of a building is an activity that involves multiple parties in a constant decision process which lead to a certain economic, social and environmental impact. During the initial project phase the decisions have a greater importance on a building, so it is necessary that different designers can use a centralized information model, allowed by Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology. The study evaluates the capabilities of BIM on the use of precise and updated information related to the construction solutions of exterior walls and floors, throughout the management of the building life-cycle, namely, in the perspective of an energetic simulation. The work carried out involves the creation of a BIM model and the establishment of a library of parametric objects representative of current walls and floors. The information introduced in the model, together with the parameters, concerning physical proprieties, added to the walls and floor objects, are used in the development of sustainability tasks supported in the BIM model. The main advantages are identified when comparing alternative constructive solutions, and shown BIM ability to support decisions by stakeholders during the development of a project.

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