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Author(s):      Ulrike Hanke , Elke Huber
ISBN:      978-972-8924-69-0
Editors:      Kinshuk, Demetrios G Sampson, J. Michael Spector, Pedro IsaĆ­as and Dirk Ifenthaler
Year:      2008
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Teaching strategy, instruction, model-based learning, model-based instruction, instructional design, MOMBI
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      366
Last Page:      370
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      In order to support and facilitate learning, teachers have to take into account the cognitive processes of learning when planning teaching interventions (Seel, 2003). A teaching strategy derived directly from findings and knowledge about the cognitive processes of learning is MOMBI (Model of Model-Based Instruction) (Hanke, 2008). It suggests a teaching intervention for each of the five subprocesses of learning. But not only does teaching have to take into account the processes of learning. One condition among others (e. g. learning style, intelligence) is that learners accept the teaching strategy. If they do not accept it, they will not be willing to pay attention and therefore will not learn (Huber, 2008). For this reason it is important to explore whether learners accept the teaching interventions suggested by MOMBI. In order to test the acceptance of the five teaching interventions of MOMBI, we carried out an exploratory study with 23 17-year-old students from a secondary school in Offenburg, Germany. The results show a tendency of acceptance of the five teaching interventions suggested by MOMBI.

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