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Author(s):      José L. López-cuadrado , Israel González-carrasco , Ángel García-crespo , Belén Ruiz-mezcua
ISBN:      972-8924-19-4
Editors:      Pedro Isaías, Miguel Baptista Nunes and Inmaculada J. Martínez
Year:      2006
Edition:      V II, 2
Keywords:      Web Based Expert System, Internet.
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      58
Last Page:      61
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      A knowledge based system is an Artificial Intelligence program, whose benefits depend more on the explicit presence of a body of knowledge than the possession of ingenious computational procedures to solve a problem (Winston, P.H., 1992) and (Gómez, A.; Juristo, N.; Montes, C. & Pazos, J., 1997,). An expert system is a knowledge based system that represents the experience of a qualified person in a restricted area. From the 60’s expert systems have evolved towards new techniques and applications, from the first systems like PROSPECTOR, MYCIN or DENDRAL to the modern decision support systems (Anderson, R.; Raeburn, S. & Beddie, L., 1992) and (Giarratano J. & Riley G., 1998). The goal is to take advantage from the Internet to obtain knowledge, as much of humans as of other applications offers, and make it accessible. Today there are multiple internet access ways: wireless technologies integrated in PDAS, mobile telephones, laptops and other new devices, have become of habitual internet access. These new technologies are new opportunities for new expert system applications. This paper shows a tool that integrates web and expert system technologies. This expert system tool allows creating internet accessible expert systems for multiple problem domains. Applications created with this tool are able to interact with other applications that an expert uses habitually in the resolution of problems.

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