The Web Based Communities and Social Media International Conference 2013 (part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2013) was held in Prague, Czech Republic, 24 to 26 July, 2013.
The World Wide Web has migrated from information space into opportunities for social communication. Social Media are growing rapidly and play an increasingly important role in the development of Online Communities. They are all about identity, reputation, presence and relationships. Web based communities announce themselves both in our professional and private life through several new media such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Plaxo, etc. In order to keep up to date with the pace of these new technological developments this IADIS Conference offers a dedicated overview and informative discussion on today's most relevant issues in new media for social life on the web.
The mission of this conference was to publish and integrate scientific results and act catalytically to the fast developing culture of web communities, while helping to disseminate and understand the latest developments social media and their impact. Submissions were accepted under the following six main topics: The History, Architecture and Future of Virtual Communities; Group Processes and Self-Organization; Cyborgs, Teleworking, Telemedicine; Art Games and Learning Communities; Expanding Markets Through Virtual Communities; Virtual Communities for People with Special Needs and Social Media
This event received 58 submissions from more than 17 countries. Each submission had been blindly reviewed by an average of four independent reviewers, to ensure that accepted submissions were of a high standard. Consequently only 8 full papers were approved which meant an acceptance rate of 12 %. A few more papers were accepted as short papers, reflection paper and poster demonstrations. Extended versions of the best papers will be published in the in International Journal of Web Based Communities" (IJWBC); ISSN: 1477 - 8394 (4 issues per year) and also in other selected journals, including journals from Inderscience.
Besides the presentation of full papers, short papers, reflection paper and posters/demonstrations the conference also included two keynote presentations given by Dr. Valeri Souchkov, ICG Training & Consulting Enschede, The Netherlands and Professor Gunilla Bradley, Professor Emerita, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. In addition, Web Based Communities and Social Media 2013 featured two workshops on "Online servant-leadership: myth or reality?" by Dr. Sylvia van de Bunt-Kokhuis and Prof. David Weir and "Common Research Ground in Social Innovation?" by Pat van der Jagt, Alterra, Wageningen UR and Mark Verhijde, Program Manager Urban Development.
by Gunilla Bradley,
Professor Em, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Some issues that will be addressed are: • Main changes in people´s lives – structures and roles. What changes are going on in the professional, private and citizen's role? How can we balance our various roles at the increasing convergence of them? Important contributing factors to Quality of Life and how to achieve. • Main changes in the labour market – work force in the so-called flexible companies. New ways to influence our work life conditions as well as to contribute to societal change. • Impact of network organizations on human behavior, values, motivation and feelings. Our relation to space and time, what kind of stress? Dialectics of values and life styles. • Some trends in psychosocial communication and ICT, collaboration and global communication patterns. The home as a communication sphere in the network era - new opportunities and risks. • Convergence and acceleration are main processes at the interplay between technology, societal structure, organizational design, and human roles in the society. I will reflect on the convergence theory and the discourse in Media Technology and Informatics about the present power relations and movements globally. I will present reflections on risks and opportunities in the 21 st Century ICT society. Where are the "energy centers" that can activate and create changes towards the "Good Information Society"? Can agreements on Goals and Visions for that society be achieved?
by Valeri Souchkov,
ICG Training & Consulting Enschede, The Netherlands
Social arrangements in societal participation like care, education and cultural events often undergo a state of "paralysis by analysis"; no logical way from perceived needs or challenges seems to lead to tasteful-, human- and altruistic solutions. In this keynote the renown expert in the TRIZ methodology for creative problem solving will take your hand and lead you through the arcade landscape of generating-, selecting and implementing ideas for social architecture and the elegant conveyance of societal processes. Often when trying to solve a problem, constraints might not allow us to apply directly or adapt existing solutions. In such cases we need to search beyond known ideas and concepts and come up with an innovative solution. To produce innovative ideas psychological barriers must be broken and solution search space has to be expanded. Without a structured approach it can take a long time and result in numerous costly trials and errors. Long-term studies of the vast amount of creative and innovative solutions resulted in the discovery of a number of universal principles and knowledge-based strategies which can be used to successfully attack difficult problems. The talk will focus on demonstrating in the interactive way how these principles and strategies can be used to facilitate and boost the process of innovative and creative problem solving in the various domains of this IADIS conference like "Web-based Communities", "Social Media", "E-Learning", "Gaming", "E-health" etc.
The Web Based Communities and Social Media 2013 Conference proceedings was published in Book (ISBN: 978-972-8939-92-2).
Program Committee Members: Ali Fawaz Shareef, Villa College, Maldives Allan Jeong, Florida State University, USA Amal Zouaq, Athabasca University, Canada Amy Hsiao, Open University Of The Netherlands , Netherlands Anirban Kundu, Kuang-Chi Institute of Advanced Technology, Shenzh, China Annabell Preussler, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Apostolos Gkamas, University Ecclesiastical Academy of Vella of Ioan, Greece Aris Alissandrakis, Linnaeus University, Sweden Aris Castillo, University Tecnologica Of Panama, Panama Bernhard Nett, University of Siegen, Germany Boyan Bontchev, Sofia University St. Kl. Ohridski, Bulgaria Celina Torres Arcadia, Instituto Tecnologico Y De Estudios Superiores De , Mexico Chien-sing Lee, National Central University, Taiwan Christian Glahn, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Christos Bouras, University Of Patras, Greece Christos Georgiadis, University Of Macedonia, Greece Christos Karageorgopoulos, KETHEA, Greece Cigdem Turhan, Atilim University, Turkey Credine Menezes , Federal University Of Rio Grande Do Sul , Brazil Cristiano Maciel, Universidade Federal De Mato Grosso, Brazil Donatella Persico, Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche - Cnr, Italy Eliza Stefanova, St. Kl. Ohridski University Of Sofia, Bulgaria Emmanouil Stiakakis, University Of Macedonia, Greece Enyedi Szilard, Technical University Of Cluj-napoca, Romania Eugenia Kovatcheva, University Of Sofia, Bulgaria Eugenio Martínez Camara , University Of Jaen, Spain Eva Heinrich, Massey University, New Zealand Fabio Nascimbeni, Menon Network, Belgium Fernando Albuquerque Costa, University Of Lisbon, Portugal Flavio Correa Da Silva, University Of Sao Paulo, Brazil Florian Probst, University Of Augsburg, Germany Francesca Pozzi , Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche - Cnr, Italy Francis Brouns, Open University, Netherlands Frederico Figueiredo, ChangeYourFlight, Spain Gabriel Valerio Urena, Tecnológico De Monterrey, Mexico Gayle Davidson Shivers, University Of South Alabama, USA George Alexias, Panteion University Of Social And Political Scienc, Greece Georgios Kioumourtzis, Center for Security Studies, Greece Giuliana Dettori, Istituto Per Le Tecnologie Didattiche, Italy Grigorios Beligiannis, University of Western Greece, Greece Hong Tat Ewe, University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia Ilias Karasavvidis, University Of Thessaly, Greece Isidro Maya Jariego, University Of Sevilla, Spain Ismael Peña-López, Universitat Oberta De Catalunya, Spain Jan Frick, University of Stavanger, Norway Jesus Arias Fisteus, Universidad Carlos III De Madrid, Spain Johanna Meurer, University Of Siegen, Germany Jon Dron, Athabasca University, Canada Joop Van Schie, Albeda College Rotterdam, Netherlands Jose Janssen, Open University Of The Netherlands, Netherlands Jose Jesus Garcia Rueda, Universidad Carlos III De Madrid, Spain Jozef Hvorecky, City University, Slovakia Julio Villena-Román , University Carlos III of Madrid / Daedalus, Spain Juri Dachtera, University Of Siegen, Germany Karen Lazenby, University Of Pretoria, South Africa Karl Steffens, University Of Cologne, Germany Kirsti Lindh, University Of Tampere, Finland Konrad Morgan , Eduvate Limited, UK Lawrie Hunter, Kochi University Of Technology, Japan Lee Chien Ching, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Ljuan Marko Gashi, University Of Novi Sad, Serbia Lorna Uden, Staffordshire University, United Kingdom Manuel Caeiro Rodriguez, University Of Vigo, Spain Marcello Sarini, University Of Milan-bicocca, Italy Marcus Specht, Open University The Netherlands, Netherlands Maria Elizabeth Bianconcini De Almeida, Pontificia Universidade Catolica De São Paulo, Brazil Mario Rotta, E-form, Italy Marlies Bitter-Rijpkema, Open University Of The Netherlands, Netherlands Martin Llamas-Nistal, Etsi Telecomunicación, Spain Michael Kerres, University Duisburg-essen, Germany Michail Kalogiannakis, University of Crete, Department of Preschool Educa, Greece Michalis Xenos, Hellenic Open University, Greece Nina Kahnwald, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Nopphol Pauswasdi, Mahidol University, Thailand Oliver Bohl, Kassel University, Germany Oriol Miralbell, Open University Of Catalonia, Spain Panayotis Fouliras, University Of Macedonia, Greece Patrick Hoefler, Know-Center, Austria Patrizia Ghislandi, University Of Trento, Italy Pei-Lee Teh, Monash University, Malaysia Pete Bradshaw, The Open University, United Kingdom Peter Albion, University Of Southern Queensland, Australia Peter Kraker, Know Center, Austria Peter Smith, University Of Sunderland, United Kingdom Philip Tsang, The Open University Of Hong Kong, China Radojica Petrovic, Technical Faculty Of Cacak, Serbia Rosane Aragón, Federal University Of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil Sandra Lovrencic, University Of Zagreb, Croatia Sebastian Dennerlein, Know-center Gmbh , Austria Slavi Stoyanov, The Netherlands Open University, Netherlands Sobah Abbas Petersen, Norwegian University Of Science And Technology, Norway Spiros Sirmakessis, TEI of Messolongi, Greece Spyros Polykalas, Business Administration of Ionian Island Tei , Greece Stylianos Hatzipanagos, King's College London, United Kingdom Tatyana Pashnyak, Bainbridge College, USA Teemu Valtonen, University Of Eastern Finland, Finland Tiberiu Letia, Technical University Of Cluj-napoca, Romania Ulrich Thiel, Fraunhofer , Germany Vaggelis Kapoulas, Computer Technology Institute & Press "Diophantus", Greece Vanessa Dennen, Florida State University, USA Vassilis Kollias, University Of Thessaly, Greece Victor Lopez Cabrera, Technological University Of Panama, Panama Viktoria Pammer, Graz University Of Technology, Austria Vladimir Bures, University Of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic Wang Qiyun, National Institute Of Education, Singapore Wilhelmina Savenye, Arizona State University, USA Witold Abramowicz, Poznan University Of Economics, Poland Wolfgang Gräther, Fraunhofer FIT, Germany Zinayida Petrushyna, Rwth Aachen University, Germany