The IADIS International Conference Internet Applications and Research 2012 was held in Lisbon, Portugal, 17 – 19 July, 2012.

The IADIS Internet Applications and Research 2012 purpose was to address the main issues of concern within Internet and WWW.
The IAR 2012 received 23 submissions from more than 11 countries. Each submission had been anonymously reviewed by an average of five independent reviewers, to ensure the quality of the accepted submissions. Hence only 4 full papers were approved which meant an acceptance rate of 18 %. A few more papers were accepted as short papers. Extended versions of the best papers were published in the IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems (ISSN: 1646-3692) and also in other selected journals, including journals from Inderscience.
The submissions were accepted under the following main areas: - Accessibility - Adaptive Web Systems - Collaboration - Computer-Mediated Communication - Data Mining - Database Planning and Development - Digital Economy - Digital Libraries and E-Publishing - Distributed and Parallel Applications - E-Business and E-Commerce Technologies - E-Government Technologies - e-Health Technologies - E-Learning Technologies - Electronic Data Interchange - Quality, Evaluation and Assessment - Extensible Languages - Game Technologies - Global Tendencies in WWW/Internet - Groupware - Human Computer Interaction & Usability - Hypermedia - Information Architectures - Information Visualization - Intelligent Agents - Interfaces - Internet & Customer Relationship Management - Internet Payment Systems - Internet Services - Languages - Metadata - Mobile Web - Multimedia - Performance Issues - Personalized Web Sites and Services - Portal strategies - Protocols and Standards - Searching and Browsing - Security Issues - Semantic Web - Social & Legal Issues - Storage Issues - System Integration - Teaching and Learning Strategies - Technology Innovation and Competitiveness - Technology Management - Technology Strategies - Tele-Work - Web 2.0 Technologies & Applications - Web 3.0 Technologies & Applications - WWW/Internet Applications - WWW/Internet Case studies - WWW/Internet Impacts - Web Engineering - Web Personalization - Web Software - Wireless Applications - Ubiquitous Computing - Usability - User Modelling - Virtual Communities - Virtual Reality - XML
The Conference included the presentation of full papers and short papers, a tutorial by Jörg Roth, University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg, Germany and also one Keynote presentation by Dr. Stephan Lukosch, Associate Professor, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, an internationally distinguished researcher.
Conference Tutorial:
- MANAGING GEO DATA – USAGE OF OPEN STREET MAP FOR OWN SERVICES AND APPLICATIONS by Prof. Jörg Roth, University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg, Germany
Abstract: Several applications and mobile apps need access to spatial geo data. They often contain functions to display the user's position on a map, provide route planning or are able to look up important locations. To provide these functions, applica¬tions can use widely available service platforms such as Google Maps. However, some¬times it is useful to have the spa¬tial services and data fully under own control. Reasons could be: costs, license models, service availability or the quality of spatial data. Nowadays, we can use different sources to get spatial data. The most important source is Open StreetMap (OSM) – a com¬munity project to collect and disseminate world wide geo data. Meanwhile, OSM data has a high coverage, high quality and attractive license models. It thus is suitable even for small projects.
This tutorial presents the benefits and issues using OSM data for own projects. Among other topics this tutorial presents: OSM as a community platform, the format of OSM data, OSM data types, representation of geometries, non-spatial prop¬erties and names, classification of objects, topologies and route planning, painting maps, storing and accessing geo data. In addition, we present a sample workflow chain to import, process and manage geo data based on OSM for own projects.
Keynote Presentation:

K1 - TOWARDS EFFECTIVE COLLABORATION IN NEW EMERGING INTERACTION SPACES by Dr. Stephan Lukosch, Associate Professor, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Designers and engineers solve complex problems using many different tools. Often they work in various projects to bring in their expertise and thereby knowledge is dispersed over different team members, artifacts and systems. The used collaboration support tools are not used on a regular basis, exist in a variety of shapes, offer limited process support and do not adapt to changing needs of a team. As result, designers and engineers often face a complex collaboration environment and have to negotiate and perform adaptations manually. They are not interacting as a participatory system in which all team members trust each other and are willing to act towards a shared goal.
This impacts the effectiveness of the collaboration process and results in inefficient interaction and reduced team performance. This paper discusses the above issues in more detail. It presents previous work on shared data management, pattern-based design, context-adaptive collaboration and collaborative knowledge acquisition. Based on this background, the paper outlines a research agenda towards effective collaborative design and engineering based on new forms of collaborative interaction in traditional as well as emerging interaction spaces
The proceedings were published both in Book (ISBN: 978-972-8939-73-1) and CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-989-8533-08-1).
Program Committee:
Program Chair: - Pedro Isaías, Universidade Aberta (Portuguese Open University), Portugal
General Conference Co-Chairs: - Piet Kommers, University of Twente, The Netherlands - Pedro Isaías, Universidade Aberta (Portuguese Open University), Portugal
Committee Members: Ahmad Nadali, Islamic Azad University, Iran Alberto Corrales Garcia, Universidad Castilla La Mancha, Spain Allan Macleod, University Of Abertay Dundee, Scotland Alvaro Fernandez, Universidad De Granada, Spain Amelia Badica, University Of Craiova, Romania Andres Soto, Universidad Autónoma Del Carmen, Mexico Anibal Zaldivar Colado, Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa, Mexico Anna Goy, Universita Di Torino , Italy Antonia Maria Reina Quintero, University Of Sevilla, Spain Aude Seurrat, University Of Paris Xiii, France Bin Guo, Institut Telecom Sudparis, France Carlos Rodriguez Dominguez, Universidad De Granada, Spain Carmen Martinez Cruz, Universidad De Jaén, Spain Christos Grecos, University Of West Of Scotland, United Kingdom Constantine Kotropoulos, Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki, Greece Costel Ionascu, University Of Craiova, Romania Cristian Marian Mihaescu, University Of Craiova, Romania Dagmar Monett Diaz, Berlin School Of Economics And Law, Germany Daniel Thalmann, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore David Pinto, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma De Puebla, Mexico Demetrios Sampson, University Of Piraeus, Greece Dumitru Burdescu, University Of Craiova, Romania Eduardo Peis, Universidad De Granada, Spain Elsa Trigueros Sanchez, Universidad De Granada, Spain Fabiana Vernero, University Of Turin, Italy Federica Cena, University Of Turin, Italy Florian Daniel, University Of Trento, Italy Francesco Lelli, Tilburg University, Netherlands Francisco Pascual Romero, Universidad De Castilla La Mancha, Spain Francisco Javier Montoro-rios, University Of Granada, Spain Garmpis Aristogiannis, Technological Educational Institution Of Messolong, Greece Geoffrey Lund, University Of Abertay Dundee, United Kingdom Giovanna Petrone, University Of Turin, Italy Habib Zaidi, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland Harry Agius, Brunel University, United Kingdom Hui Yu, Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom Huiyu Zhou, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom Ilia Petrov, Darmstadt University Of Technology, Germany Irena Mlynkova, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic J. Arturo Olvera Lopez, Autonomous University Of Puebla, Mexico Javier Jesus Gutierrez Rodriguez, University Of Sevilla, Spain Jesus Serrano Guerrero, University Of Castilla La Mancha, Spain José Alfonso Aguilar Calderón, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa , Mexico José Alfredo Ferreira Costa, Federal University, UFRN, Brazil Jose Luis Martinez, University Of Castilla La Mancha, Spain José Manuel Morales Del Castillo, Universidad De Granada, Spain Juan Sanchez Fernandez, University Of Granada, Spain Juan Francisco Peraza Garzon, Autonomous University Of Sinaloa , Mexico Juan Gabriel Gonzalez Serna, Centro Nacional De Investigacion Y Desarrollo Tecn, Mexico Juan Pablo Soto Barrera, Universidad De Sonora, Mexico Juha Puustjarvi, Helsinki University Of Technology, Finland Jun Zhang, Waseda University, Japan Kevin Curran, University Of Ulster, United Kingdom Laila Benhlima, Ecole Mohammadia D'ingénieurs, Morocco Liliana Ardissono, University of Torino, Italy Luca Cernuzzi, Universidad Católica "nuestra Señora De La Asunció, Paraguay Manolis Gergatsoulis, Ionian University, Greece Manuel Mejias Risoto, Escuela Técnica Superior De Ingeniería Informática, Spain Marco Furini, University Of Modena And Reggio Emilia, Italy Maria Bermudez Edo, University Of Granada, Spain Maria Rigou, University Of Patras, Greece Maria Jose Escalona Cuaresma, Universidad De Sevilla, Spain Maria Jose Rodriguez Fortiz, Escuela Técnica Superior De Ingenieria Informatica, Spain Maria Luisa Rodriguez-Almendros, Escuela Técnica Superior De Ingeniería Informática, Spain Martin Gaedke, Chemnitz University Of Technology, Germany Maya Carrillo Ruiz, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma De Puebla (buap), Mexico Morten Goodwin, Tingtun AS, Norway Mounia Fredj, Ensias - Ecole Nationale Superieure D'informatique, Morocco Nawaporn Wisitpongphan, KMUTNB, Thailand Noureddine Bouhmala, Vestfold University College, Norway Oscar Mario Rodriguez Elias, Instituto Tecnológico De Hermosillo, Mexico Otoniel Lopez, Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain Pablo Pinol Peral, Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain Qi Wang, University Of The West Of Scotland, United Kingdom Rogelio Estrada Lizarraga, Autonomous University Of Sinaloa, Mexico Roland Kaschek, University Of The Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands Ryszard S. Choras, University Of Technology & Life Sciences, Poland Sam Suppakkul, Keane, An NTT Data Company, USA Sok-ian Sou, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Spiros Sirmakessis, Technological Educational Institution of Messolong, Greece Tayeb Lemlouma, IRISA / IUT Of Lannion (University of Rennes 1), France Tomas Ruiz Lopez, University Of Granada, Spain Victor Sosa-Sosa, Cinvestav, Mexico Vladimir Shekhovtsov, National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic , Austria Vladimir Stantchev, Srh University Berlin, Germany Wolfgang Deiters, Fraunhofer-institut Fur Software Und Systemtechnik, Germany Zaher Al Aghbari, University Of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Zhaoxiang Zhang, Beihang University, China