ITSE Journal special issue on Video Games - Call for Papers | Special Issue Title: Video games as an interactive tool for smart education Guest Editor: Prof. Boyan Bontchev, Sofia University / Brainstorm Multimedia Due date for manuscripts: January 30th 2015 Peer review decisions: March 30th 2015 Manuscript should be between 3000 and 8000 words in length and be done in APA style (6th edition) Publication: 2015 Theme: In contemporary education, one of the modern trends that have appeared at a global level in last decades is using of video games as a modern and highly interactive tool for learning. Adaptable and highly customisable learning plans, complex gamified simulations, intelligent user interactions and semanticallyrich services are some of the main features of video games used for understanding, planning, problem solving, strategic thinking, analysis and evaluation of alternatives, and hypotheses verification. This special issue of Interactive Technology and Smart Education will be focused on the various experiences and outcomes of teaching using video games for technology enhanced learning. The central question proposed as a theme for the papers is simply: What effects do have video games as an interactive tool for smart education, in terms of lessons learned during past years and future trends in using them for technology enhanced learning? The intention is to collectively produce a snapshot of outcomes and experiences with video games used in primary, secondary, or higher education as a modern learning tool with high level of interactivity. Thus, there will be outlined existing benefits, problems and challenges for both the professors teaching in a new technology environment and students having steadily updating expectations and needs and, on the other side, the global game industry trying to make best use of contemporary video technology for providing appropriate games and tools for such smart education. If you are interested in participating, please send me an email as soon as possible. Thank you. Boyan ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it |