The 8th edition of the e-Learning International Conference (part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems) was hosted in Prague, Czech Republic, during 23 to 26 July, 2013.
Once again the e-Learning conference aimed to address the key issues of concern within the context of e-Learning. This conference tried to cover both the technical as well as the non-technical aspects of e-Learning. The main tracks for submissions were: Organisational Strategy and Management Issues; Technological Issues; e-Learning Curriculum Development Issues; Instructional Design Issues; e-Learning Delivery Issues; e-Learning Research Methods and Approaches; e-Skills and Information Literacy for Learning..
The e-Learning 2013 conference received 231 submissions from more than 36 countries. Each submission had been anonymously reviewed by an average of four independent reviewers, to guarantee that accepted submissions were of the highest standard. As a result, only 36 full papers were approved which meant an acceptance rate of 16 %. A few more papers were accepted as short papers, reflection papers and posters. The conference best papers were selected for publishing as extended versions in the Interactive Technology and Smart Education (ITSE) journal (ISSN:1741-5659) and also in the IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet (ISSN: 1645-7641).
Further to the presentation of full papers, short papers and posters, the conference also offered two keynote presentations by Thomas C. Reeves, Professor Emeritus of Learning, Design, and Technology, College of Education, The University of Georgia, USA and Doc. Ing Jan Lojda, President of the Czech Association of Distance Teaching Universities, Czech Republic and also a conference tutorial presented by Dr. Peter L. Stanchev, Kettering University, USA and Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Keynote presentation
by Doc. Ing Jan Lojda, President of the Czech Association of Distance Teaching Universities, Czech Republic
Abstract The paper deals with the new and actual approaches in E-learning. It seems, that the period of sophisticated Learning Management System (LMS) is over and the potential customers = e- students prefer new environment for their learning activities. Interactivity and communication tools are considered as the crucial point how to make the individual e-study more open and users friendly. Sharing learning experience, external study materials and study problems facilitates the study processes and is helping to manage the stress in the learning of lonely student.
by Dr. Thomas C. Reeves,
Professor Emeritus of Learning, Design, and Technology, College of Education, The University of Georgia, USA
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and other forms of open education are viewed as positive disruptive innovations by some and as threats to traditional education by others. The discord over MOOCs is especially vociferous in the higher education sector. This paper examines the evidence for and against MOOCs, especially with respect to the quality of the learning accomplished by participants. The paper also discusses inconsistencies in assessment in MOOCs, and suggests appropriate assessment strategies based on more authentic approaches. At the conclusion of this paper, recommendations are made for advancing the efficacy and impact of MOOCs through educational design research.
by Peter L. Stanchev, Kettering University, USA and Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Abstract The beginnings of distance education date back over one hundred years ago to the age of correspondence education when Frederick Turner ran the correspondence history program at the University of Wisconsin. Resent research clearly shows that students who learn at a distance do not learn any better or any worse than the traditional students.
Web 2.0 and social software tools have tremendous potential to remove the barriers of distance education. The social dimension of Web 2.0 tools has already begun to change the traditional paradigm of distance education. The challenges that social software addresses (meeting, building community, providing mentoring and personal learning assistance, working collaboratively on projects or problems, reducing communication errors, and supporting complex group functions) have application to educational use.
In the tutorial, we identify the milestones of techniques that were developed to meet the needs of a new type of learning that beneficially exploits the domain of distance-learning courses. A methodology for converting a regular course into a distance course is presented. For the conversion process we use the ADDIE technology. The ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implement, and Evaluate) model is the generic process traditionally used by instructional designers and training developers. The five phases represent a dynamic and flexible guideline for building effective training and performance support tools. Topics such as: develop instructional strategy, develop and select instructional materials; design and conduct formative evaluation, revise instruction; design and conduct summative evaluations are also presented. Some of the education theories such as: theories of independence and autonomy, theories of industrialization of teaching, theories of interaction and communication are discussed. The conversion process, the technique issues, requirements and conversion steps are outlined. Different distance learning technologies are given.
The conversion of the regular course "Web technology" into distance course is presented. "Web technology" is a regular course that was converted into a distances course, which we designed and implement in the frame of the "Master of Science in Information Technology program" in the Kettering University. The course is based on video, textbooks, "Blackboard" system based information and e-mail communications. The course is accompanied by a list of books, which are required to be used by the learner to prepare for each session as well as a list of recommended books and papers, which discuss various issues and elaborate on the topics.
As is the case in writing a textbook, the development of a good distance education course is a long-term process of trials and errors.
REFERENCES [1] Stanchev P.: Converting a Regular Learning Course into Distance Course, e-Learning conference, 25-26 august, Bucharest, Romania (2011) [2] Moore M., Kearsley G., Distance Education: A Systems View of Online Learning,3rd Edition, 2012
The e-Learning Conference 2013 proceedings was published in Book (ISBN: 978-972-8939-88-5).
Program Committee Members: Adamantios Koumpis, ALTEC Software S. A., Greece Adel Elsayed, Retired, University Of Bolton, United Kingdom Alexandra Cristea, University Of Warwick, United Kingdom Alexei Tretiakov, Massey University, New Zealand Alla Manako, Irtc, Ukraine Amali Weerasinghe, University Of Canterbury, New Zealand Amjad Mahmood, University Of Bahrain, Bahrain Ana Isabel Vazquez Martínez , University Of Sevilla, Spain Andreas Bollin, Klagenfurt University, Austria Andreas Papasalouros, University Of The Aegean, Greece Andrew Lian, Western Illinois University, USA Angélica De Antonio, Universidad Politecnica De Madrid, Spain Ania Lian, Australian Catholic University, Australia Annabell Preussler, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Annette Payne, Brunel University, United Kingdom Anouk Gelan, University Hasselt, Belgium Antoanela Naaji, Vasile Goldis West University Of Arad, Romania Antonio Hervás-Jorge, Universidad Politécnica De Valencia, Spain Antonio Navarro, Universidad Complutense De Madrid, Spain Antonio Panaggio, Italian Ministry Of Education, Italy Apostolos Gkamas, University Ecclesiastical Academy of Vella of Ioan, Greece Avgoustos Tsinakos, Department Of Industrial Informatics, Greece Barbara N. Brecko, European Commission, Spain Ben Du Boulay, University Of Sussex, United Kingdom Benno Volk, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technolog, Switzerland Bettina Pedemonte, Institute For Educational Technology Itd-cnr, Italy Branislav Smitek , University Of Maribor , Slovenia Carmen Holotescu, University Politehnica Timisoara, Romania Cengiz Hakan Aydin, Anadolu University, Turkey Cerstin Mahlow, University of Basel, Switzerland Charalampos Karagiannidis, University of Thessaly, Greece Charoula Angeli, University Of Cyprus, Cyprus Chen Xiaowu, Beihang University, China Christine Levy, Kaleidoscope Learning, USA Christos Bouras, University Of Patras, Greece Claudia De Witt, Fernuniversität In Hagen, Germany Cleo Sgouropoulou, Technological Educational Institute (tei) Of Athen, Greece David Guralnick, Kaleidoscope Learning, United States Demetrios Sampson, University Of Piraeus, Greece Diana Pérez Marín, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain Dimitra Pappa, National Center For Scientific Research - Demokrit, Greece Dimitris Fotiadis, University Of Ioannina, Greece Dirk Ifenthaler, Open Universities Australia, Australia Egle Butkeviciene, Kaunas University Of Technology, Lithuania Elena Mosa, Indire, Italy Eliza Stefanova, Sofia University, Bulgaria Emma Briend, University Of Limerick, Ireland Esma Aimeur, University Of Montréal, Canada Esteban Vázquez Cano, Spanish National University Of Distance Education, Spain Eugenia Kovatcheva, University Of Sofia, Bulgaria Eva Heinrich, Massey University, New Zealand Eva Jereb, University Of Maribor, Slovenia Fawzi Albalooshi, National Authority of Qualifications and Quality A, Bahrain Francesca Pozzi, Instituto Tecnologie Didattiche – CNR, Italy Fridolin Wild, The Open University, United Kingdom Frina Albertyn, Eastern Institute Of Technology, New Zealand Fuhua Lin, Athabasca University, Canada Gabriela Grosseck, West University Of Timisoara, Romania Gabriella Dodero, Free University Of Bolzano Bozen, Italy Gary Wills, University Of Southampton, United Kingdom Geoffrey Lautenbach, University Of Johannesburg, South Africa George Palaigeorgiou, CSD, AUTH, Greece George Papadourakis, School Of Applied Technology, Greece George Tsihrintzis, University Of Piraeus, Greece Gianni Vercelli, DIBRIS - University of Genoa, Italy Giovanni Bonaiuti, University Of Cagliari, Italy Giuliana Dettori, ITD-CNR, Italy Giuliano Vivanet, University Of Cagliari, Italy Giusy Cannella, Indire, Italy Gloria Yi-ming Kao, National Taiwan University Of Science And Technolo, Taiwan Guglielmo Trentin, Cnr - Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche, Italy Hamid Harroud, Al-Akhawayn University In Ifrane, Morocco Helena Bukvova, WU, University of Economics and Business Vienna, Austria Imed Hammouda, Tampere University Of Technology, Finland Ingo Dahn, University Of Koblenz-landau, Germany Ioannis Vardiambasis, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Crete, Greece Ivan Ganchev, University of Limerick, Ireland Ivana Simonova, University Of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic Jaime Ramirez, Universidad Politécnica De Madrid, Spain Jan Pawlowski, University of Jyväskylä, Finland Jane Sinclair, University Of Warwick, United Kingdom Jarkko Suhonen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Jekaterina Bule, Riga Technical University, Latvia Jerzy Dabkowski, Cracow University Of Technology, Poland Jesualdo Breis, University Of Murcia, Spain Jesús Boticario, Universidad Nacional De Educación A Distancia (une, Spain Jesús Sánchez Allende, Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, Spain Jirarat Sitthiworachart, Walailak University, Thailand Johannes Magenheim, Universitaet Paderborn, Germany Jonatan Castano Munoz, European Commission, Spain Jozef Hvorecky, City University Of Seattle, Slovakia Jozef Simuth , City University Of Seattle, Slovakia Juan M. Alducin-ochoa, Universirty Of Sevilla, Spain Juan M. Santos, University of Vigo, Spain Katerina Kabassi, TEI of Ionian Islands, Greece Kateryna Synytsya, Ukraine International Research And Training Center, Ukraine Katherine Maillet, Institut Telecom & Management Sudparis, France Kazunori Nozawa, Ritsumeikan University, Japan Kostas Vassilakis, Technological Educational Institution Of Crete, Greece Larisa Zaiceva, Riga Technical University, Latvia Leonardo Garrido, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico Liodakis George, Technological Educational Institution Of Crete, Greece Lorraine Cleeton, Walden University, USA Luis Álvarez-González, Universidad Austral De Chile, Chile Luis Anido-Rifón, University Of Vigo, Spain Lynde Tan, National Institute Of Education , Singapore Maiga Chang, Athabasca University, Canada Mairtin ODroma, University Of Limerick, Ireland Malinka Ivanova, Technical University Of Sofia, Bulgaria Mandy Rohs, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Manolis Tsiknakis, Forth, Greece Manos Varvarigos, University Of Patras, Greece Manuela Repetto, Instituto Per Le Tecnologie Didattiche – Cnr, Italy Marek Stanuszek, Cracow University Of Technology, Poland Maria Moundridou, School of Pedagogical and Technological Education , Greece Maria Virvou, University Of Piraeus, Greece Marina Ribaudo, University Of Genova, Italy Mario Vacca, "La Sapienza" University of Rome , Italy Martin Ebner, Graz University of Technology, Austria Martin Wessner, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany Martin Wolpers, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Martín Llamas-Nistal, University Of Vigo, Spain Martine Verjans, Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium Michael Paraskevas, Computer Technology Institute & Press, Greece Michael Piotrowski, Leibniz Institute of European History, Germany Michail Kalogiannakis, University of Crete, Greece Michalis Xenos, Hellenic Open University, Greece Michel Ebouyea, University of La Rochelle, France Miguel Zapata Ros, University Of Alcala de Henares, Spain Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Technical University Of Cluj-napoca, Romania Mihai Jalobeanu, Universitatea de Vest , Romania Mike Joy, University Of Warwick, United Kingdom Mirjana Ivanovic, University Of Novi Sad, Serbia Mizue Kayama, Shinshu University, Japan Mohamed Amine Chatti, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Murat Ataizi, Anadolu University, Turkey Natalija Prokofjeva, Riga Technical University, Latvia Nicola Capuano, Diem - University Of Salerno, Italy Niki Lambropoulos, University Of Patras, Greece Nora Lizenberg, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Argentina Oliver Bohl, University of Kassel, Germany Panagiotes Anastasiades, University Of Crete, Greece Panagiotis Kampylis, European Commission - Dg Jrc , Spain Paolo Gentilini, University Degli Studi Di Genova, Italy Patrick Blumschein, University of Freiburg, Germany Pavel RUSAkov, Riga Technical University, Latvia Peter Mikulecky, University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic Petra Poulova, University Of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic Pilar Moreno Díaz, Alfonso X El Sabio University, Spain Rafael Morales, University of Guadalajara, Mexico Rafael Valencia, Universidad De Murcia, Spain Raul Antonio Aguilar Vera, Universidad Autonoma De Yucatan, Mexico Rolf Granow, Fachhochschule Luebeck, Germany Rosabel Roig-Vila, Universidad de Alicante, Spain Rose Liang, National Institute Of Education , Singapore Roza Dumbraveanu, The State Pedagogical University I.creanga, Moldova, Republic Of Rubén Edel Navarro, Universidad Veracruzana, México Rune Pettersson, Institute for Infology, Sweden, Sweden Sandra Schoen, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft, Austria Santiago Mengual Andrés , University Of Valencia, Spain Sobah A. Petersen, Sintef, Norway Spiros Sirmakesis, Technological Educational Institutional of Messolo, Greece Stamatina Anastopoulou, University Of the Aegean, Greece SUSAnne Draheim, University Of Hamburg, Germany Telmo Zarronandia, Carlos III University, Spain Thomas Lehmann, Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany Thrasivoulos Tsiatsos, University Of Patras, Greece Tomas Pitner, Masaryk University, Czech Republic Tomayess Issa, Curtin University, Australia Tomaz Amon, Center For Scientific Visualization, Slovenia Tuomo Kakkonen, University Of Joensuu, Finland Ulrike Hanke, Universitaet Freiburg, Germany Vaiva Zuzeviciute, Magnus University, LITHUANIA Vassilis Triantafillou, Τechnological Educational Institution Of Mess, Greece Veijo Meisalo, University of Helsinki, Finland Veronika Makarova, University Of Saskatchewan, Canada Werner Beuschel, IBAW Brandenburg, Germany Xiaokun Zhang, Athabasca University, Canada Yannis Psaromiligkos, Technological Education Institute Of Piraeus, Greece Zinayida Petrushyna, Rwth Aachen, Germany