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Author(s):      Adelaide Bianchini
ISBN:      978-972-8939-25-0
Editors:      Bebo White, Pedro IsaĆ­as and Diana Andone
Year:      2010
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Web application development, Web Engineering, Situational Method Engineering.
Type:      Doctoral Paper
First Page:      427
Last Page:      431
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Over the past decade several methodologies have been proposed to improve the quality of Web application development. There are proposals that provide techniques and mechanisms to specify the product model, but leave apart some aspects about the process development model for shaping the development and the generation of products based on different situations. Besides, some industry and academic methods are not flexible enough to react according to the different situations and conditions of the projects to be. These conditions may include application type and complexity, models to be created, development team characteristics, technological resources and other requirements. This paper presents WebFDM, a flexible method for the development of web applications in conjunction with a Case Tool - COHESION. This flexible method will be aligned to Situational Method Engineering principles and Web Engineering foundations. As a result of this research, we will obtain a methodology able to tailor for project conditions and an instance of the COHESION Case Tool, configured according to the methodology.

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