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Author(s):      Christian Belbèze , Max Chevalier , Chantal Soulé-dupuy
ISBN:      978-972-8924-68-3
Editors:      Pedro Isaías, Miguel Baptista Nunes and Dirk Ifenthaler
Year:      2008
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Customizable Information Access, Web Services, Web Searching, Internet Surf Behavior, Behavioral Study
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      119
Last Page:      127
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Finding information on the Web is a real challenge even for most experts. Indeed, the huge amount of available information and the heterogeneity of users and information imply that actual search engines have some trouble to solve all the users' information needs. The conclusions of an ecologic study in which five adults and four children are observed during their I.A. processes illustrate this heterogeneity. Two different protocols of observation, both presenting imposed and free searches were defined. Thanks to this study, a certain number of behaviors, attitudes and difficulties have been identified. As a solution, an adaptive information access (IA) process should be proposed. Unfortunately, the adaptation and customization of IA process is a difficult task since the different user’s needs or handicaps are difficult to identify. Thanks to the ecological study conclusions, we propose in this paper a specific component-based architecture which relies on a novel individual adaptation of the IA process. In such architecture a user is constructing his own search engine in selecting and organizing component (i.e. Web Services) relevant to his needs/difficulties. So, users are building their own IA process thanks to existing bricks or can use some pre-existing one. To give to everybody the opportunity to propose and use component we choose to use Web Services as components. An implementation of such architecture is proposed through the Sissi Project (

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