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Author(s):      Helle Mathiasen, Camilla Kølsen de Wit
ISBN:      978-972-8939-09-0
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes, Pedro Isaías and Philip Powell
Year:      2010
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      IT proficiency, using IT, progression, Education system, girls and approaches to IT
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      323
Last Page:      330
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The aim of this paper is to present the results of a study on Danish pupils’ and students’ approaches to Information Technology (IT) and what these results mean for these pupils’ and students’ use of IT and their IT proficiency after primary and secondary school through sixth form and on to IT courses at university. Particular focus is on the transition between the educational levels. In addition the aim is to encourage discussion in an international forum. It is our fundamental assumption that IT proficiency is useful and necessary as a professional and methodological element of primary and secondary schools and at university level. We distinguish between using IT and IT proficiency and these are defined as are other central concepts within a sociological perspective, inspired by modern systems theory. IT in tuition is analysed in the formal education system as well as its impact on an empirical study of pupils’ and students' approaches to IT. Focus is on teaching at primary and secondary school, sixth form and university level and in which transitional issues this can result in, when sixth form students choose IT for further education. The message in this paper is that the study's findings point towards evidence that there is a clear progression in IT proficiency between the levels of the educational system, which may contribute to younger people not noticing IT proficiency as a possible profession and career path. Furthermore, during the course of this paper we will invite discussion on the theme of girls opting for or against IT courses at university. The Danish business community currently lacks qualified persons with IT professional skills and in particular there is a noticeable demand for females with IT competences. Seen in a collective perspective we would like this article to bring into focus initiatives and formal frameworks in the educational system that influence the development of IT proficiency with regard to pupils’ and students’ approaches to IT.

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