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Author(s):      Marília Abrahão Amaral , Camila Michele De Almeida
ISBN:      978-972-8924-93-5
Editors:      Pedro Isaías, Bebo White and Miguel Baptista Nunes
Year:      2009
Edition:      1
Keywords:      Usability, E-Learning, Moodle.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      303
Last Page:      310
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The objective of this research is to evaluate the Usability of the Learning Management System Moodle. This study expects to help professionals in the development of applications for e-learning and to assist the programmers in the improvement of Moodle. In order to reach the objective, to evaluate a questionnaire was used as assessment instrument. This instrument aims at the assessment of the users satisfaction in to the LMS, since knowing the level of satisfaction it is possible to determine which imperfections need to be repaired and which resources must be added so that the Learning Management System better is used to advantage by its users. In the generality the questionnaire was applied the 123 students of two Brazilian university. After it collects and analysis of the results, had been generated graphical referring to the application of the questionnaires, beyond provided suggestions with improvements to the LMS. Moreover it is possible to conclude that the use of assessment questionnaires to evaluate the level of user satisfaction is interesting, therefore by means of them the users can demonstrate its vision on the LMS, not only on the characteristics objective techniques but also for allowing that the user contributes with proposals of improvements to the LMS and has detached the advantages to use e-learning.

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