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Author(s):      Christina Sanchita Shah and Mankoottathil Paulose Sebastian
ISBN:      978-989-8704-27-6
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes, Pedro IsaĆ­as and Philip Powell
Year:      2021
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Trust Evaluation, Online Social Networks, OSN, Trust
Type:      Full
First Page:      97
Last Page:      104
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Online social networks (OSNs) are among the most commonly accessed sites on the internet. People use OSNs to share activities, memories, events and concerns with their family, friends and acquaintances. OSNs are important means for information exchange and collaboration also. Though OSNs make correspondence and data sharing much easier, it has adverse impacts such as being able to receive meaningless, unnecessary, and inaccurate information through connections proposed by the recommending system. This might also escalate to the exploitation of user's data by recommending false information. This generates a pressing need to assess the trustworthiness of links between users in order to guarantee the safety of their everyday social networking interactions. The aim of this paper is to understand trust evaluation in OSNs which is accomplished by addressing three research questions. The contribution of this study is threefold. First, we present a comprehensive understanding of trust in OSNs. Second, we present the research trends and profile of studies examining trust evaluation is OSNs. Third, we outline the key challenges present in trust evaluation in OSNs.

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