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Author(s):      Federico Grasso Toro
ISBN:      978-989-8533-74-6
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes, Pedro IsaĆ­as and Philip Powell
Year:      2018
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Ontology, Knowledge, Data Science, Longevity
Type:      Reflection Paper
First Page:      283
Last Page:      286
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      In the current big data cloud based machine learning blockchain oversaturated world, the lack of clear patterns from data to become science is the most significant problem that must be faced, not only to help Ph.D. candidates to find procedures to arrive to certainty in scientific fields, but also the general approach as regarding research and the longevity of knowledge. A newly developed Ontology of Knowledge provides a clear structure to subsequently process all available data into scientific certainty, by articulating existing theories into research-specific patterns. The use of this Ontology of Knowledge to develop everlasting scientific and engineering knowledge combines existing technologies with new approaches to develop knowledge, aiming to find static procedures that will allow permanent looped research. Solutions are proposed for problems such as the lack of clarity for longevity of knowledge and the needed approaches to deal with Big Data by re-thinking knowledge as the amalgamation of Data Science and a newly stablished ontology point of view from Epistemology. This reflection paper seeks to find common ground to start the needed discussions towards achieving longevity of knowledge, not just understood as the long existence and perpetration of acquired knowledge, but also as the meaningful and everlasting service of scientific and engineering structured-knowledge as human contribution.

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