Barbara Krumay, Roman Brandtweiner |
978-989-8704-04-7 |
Philip Powell, Miguel Baptista Nunes and Pedro Isaías |
2014 |
Single |
Privacy, B2C-E-Commerce, Corporate Social Responsibility, Value. |
Short Paper |
First Page:
299 |
Last Page:
303 |
English |
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Paper Abstract:
With the advent of social networks and possibilities to store and process user information, privacy became a controversial discussed topic in different scientific areas and practice. For business especially in B2C-E-Commerce - user data is of high value and required to be competitive. Thus, companies rely on terms and conditions statements or privacy statements for declaring conditions of data usage. However, these statements are often hard to assess for customers. We argue, that these statements are not enough, since user data is not only a value for the company, but represents also a sensitive part of users live. They want to be informed about who knows what, and who is able to see and use it. The question which has not been addressed so far in a structured way is: who should feel responsible for storing this data. From our point of view, companies should feel an ethical and moral obligation to handle user data in a responsible way and argue for the development of Corporate Privacy Responsibility (CPR). Similar to the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corporate Privacy Responsibility (CPR) could be a powerful tool to demonstrate the companies' position concerning privacy. Furthermore, it could be argued that it shows similar positive effects on companies performance and competitiveness as CSR. Moreover, CPR represents a holistic approach on all data stored by a company and includes besides data from customers data from staff, B2B-partners and the company itself. In this work-in-progress paper we present a first attempt towards a CPR framework and discuss drawbacks and problems. |