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Author(s):      Kiyoshi Murata, Yohko Orito
ISBN:      978-972-8939-76-2
Editors:      Gunilla Bradley, Diane Whitehouse and Angela Lin
Year:      2012
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Social media, Revelation of personal information by self and others, Identity crisis, Schizophrenia
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      112
Last Page:      116
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      This study deals with pathology similar to schizophrenia, which may be developed by the widespread use of social media, based on careful observation of individual and organisational behaviour in the current Net society and the results of studies on phenomenological psychiatry. Anyone can undergo an identity crisis with the feeling of strangeness that his/her independence is taken over by others, a symptom unique to schizophrenia, in the current Net environment which is characterised by the vanishing boundary between real space and cyberspace and great difficulty in protecting information privacy.

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