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Author(s):      Flávia N. Mantovani Alves, Luciana Florêncio de Almeida and Eduardo Eugênio Spers
ISBN:      978-989-8533-97-5
Editors:      Adriana Backx Noronha Viana and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2020
Edition:      Single
Type:      Regular
First Page:      45
Last Page:      50
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The research evaluates different attributes explored by communication that may influence the choice of gift by the consumer (Gift Giving), in this case, in the category of Panettones (seasonal product, present only in the Brazilian's Christmas) during Christmas. Using tools such as eye tracking, it is possible to identify the effectiveness of the advertising message to the consumer, especially in seasonal seasons (commemorative dates), where the flow of advertising messages is very high. The commemorative date market allows retailers to incrementally grow and stream more consumers and make individuals consume and give more naturally. Christmas is considered to be the main of these retail commemorative dates. Understanding this relationship of choosing a brand as a gift is the subject of this dissertation. Among the managerial and academic contributions is the enrichment of studies that correlate the importance of investment in communication campaigns in seasonal periods (commemorative dates), allowing to identify elements for actions that generate a closer relationship between target audience and advertiser, as well as understand What are the factors that can increase purchase intent at the moment of choosing one, approaching and reinforcing consumer identification. The object of study chosen for the empirical test is the Panettones category. Research will be conducted with potential consumers of this product through the use of eye tracking equipment to analyze the product present in different scenarios with different elements in order to understand what is most appealing in a panettone advertising piece. The literature review is based on gift giving, seasonal periods and how important they are to retailers - focusing on Christmas.

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