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Author(s):      Saeryn Ryu, Jun Hyung Lee and Hyun Bin Cho
ISBN:      978-989-8704-20-7
Editors:      Katherine Blashki
Year:      2020
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Gender, Stereotype, Python, Fairytale, Game, Education
Type:      Short
First Page:      211
Last Page:      216
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Programming was once considered as a high-level technique that only experts can handle, however, now the range of programmers has expanded to the general public, as coding is becoming a basic and popular skill. It can now work as a fundamental tool for everyone to express their creativity. Starting from a single program such as a smartphone app, a lot of small businesses have now developed their economic scales to the level of big conglomerates that influence the society as a whole. Besides the economic success that this technology can bring, it also has the potential to contribute to an educational aspect, which means it can have a great impact on how young children might be able to think in the future. In this article, we suggest a program, or it can also be referred as a 'game,' that goes against the contents of conventional educational materials that has been used and is still being used by the society to educate young children. As three university undergraduates who were born and raised in South Korea, we developed a program that challenges the fixed contents and the fixed method of the previous educational material that we had been taught as children. We used Python to create the program and the name of the program is , an acronym for "Do it Yourself Cinderella." Through making this program, we expect that children's education and entertainment can be made into more diverse content and forms.

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