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Author(s):      Thomas Hübner , Yanci Zhang , Renato Pajarola
ISBN:      ISSN: 1646-3692
Editors:      Pedro Isaías and Marcin Paprzycki
Year:      2007
Edition:      V II, 2
Keywords:      Multi-View Rendering, Volume Visualization, Point Splatting, Triangle Meshes, Three- Dimensional Displays
Type:      Journal Paper
First Page:      122
Last Page:      140
Language:      English
Cover:      no-img_eng.gif          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The fundamental drawback of current stereo and multi-view display techniques is the necessity to perform multi-pass rendering (one pass for each separate view) and subsequent image composition-andmasking for generating multi-stereo views. Thus the rendering time increases in general linearly with the number of rendered views. An increase in frame-rate can be achieved by sub-resolution rendering and extrapolation before display, at the expense of degraded image quality. To overcome these disadvantages, we introduce a new method for rendering volumes, points and triangles meshes on multi-view auto-stereoscopic displays. Our method exploits the programmability of modern graphic processing units (GPUs) for rendering multi-stereo views in a single rendering pass. The views are calculated directly on the GPU including sub-pixel wavelength selective views. We describe our algorithm precisely and provide details about its implementation. Experimental results demonstrate the performance advantages of our single-pass multi-view rendering algorithms compared to the standard multi-pass rendering approaches.

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