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Author(s):      Vladislav Slavov, Kamelia Yotovska and Asya Asenova
ISBN:      978-989-8704-47-4
Editors:      Piet Kommers, Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2023
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Artificial Intelligence Technologies, Artificial Intelligence in Education, Online Survey, Ethics in AIinED
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      317
Last Page:      326
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is already challenging a variety of societal areas, including education. It is transforming education to data driven. AI-enhanced technologies in education (abbreviated AIinED) will have a significant role in changing the teaching and learning methods, as well as impacting the behavior and organization of the educational system. It is considered that the AIinED will change the paradigm of education in the future. And yet, AIinED is still more in the lab than being practically implemented in education and training. We consider three major players in the implementation of AIinED - students, teachers, and society. All three can benefit from AIinED and at the same time be a potential target of the risks that AIinED brings along with its promises - may be one of the reasons why main stakeholders (UNESCO, EC etc.) have been developing guidelines and recommendations for ethical use of AIinED. The literature shows that the center of AIinED system will be the student, but we consider the student not only as a target but also as a source of ideas for AIinED development with the potential to accelerate the process of adoption of AIinED. Hence, one of the big questions should be how the students foresee the role of artificial intelligence in education. To initiate such a question, though, it is important to know the level of understanding among the students about what and where artificial intelligence is. There are three major aspects that AIinED must be considered accordingly - technological, lawful, and ethical. This paper presents the results of a study on high school students' understanding of AI technologies and their attitudes to their application in education. A survey was used as a tool to elaborate. The conceptual model of the research was developed on the basis of established theories linking attitudes to behavior and the acceptance of artificial intelligence technologies in education. Each element of this concept is explored with a different part of the questionnaire, which contains a total of 12 questions (some of which with sub-questions). The survey was elaborated online within October-November 2021. A link to the questionnaire in Bulgarian was provided to 178 high and vocational high schools educating students aged 14-19 (grades 8-12) across the country (Bulgaria). 766 students submitted their replies through the online survey form. Descriptive statistics and analysis of the frequencies of the respondents' opinions were made based on the data. The results show that the students participating in the survey:(a) understand the essence of AI technologies; (b) they are convinced of the usefulness of the application of artificial intelligence technologies in their daily activities and strongly believe that it improves it; (c) are not entirely clear about the benefits of artificial intelligence enhanced technologies in learning and teaching; (d) do not demonstrate sufficient knowledge and understanding of the necessity of ethical use of AI technologies in education; The latter reduces the positive influence of the perceived usefulness of artificial intelligence technologies in the learning process on students' attitudes.

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