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Author(s):      Marco Prandini, Laura Sartori
ISBN:      978-989-8533-29-6
Editors:      Piet Kommers, Tomayess Issa, Dian-Fu Chang and Pedro IsaĆ­as
Year:      2014
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      e-Voting, security, trust, electoral process
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      109
Last Page:      113
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The adoption of electronic voting in political elections, notwithstanding a long history of academic studies and practical experiences, is still debated. Arguments in its favor or against it are usually rather biased, and take into account only a limited subset of the issues at stake. In particular, no study has ever tried to draw a comprehensive picture of the interplay between social and technical aspects of the voting process. We claim that this kind of interdisciplinary research is needed for the scientific community to be able to exert its positive influence on stakeholders, and we try to outline the research questions that in our opinion should find an answer.

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