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Author(s):      Galba Freire Moita and Galba Freire Moita Júnior
ISBN:      978-989-8704-15-3
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes, Pedro Isaías, Philip Powell and Boyan Bontchev
Year:      2020
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Business Intelligence, Servqual Scale, User Satisfaction, Health Quality, Brazilian Health System
Type:      Full
First Page:      123
Last Page:      132
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:     

Nationally based opinion polls showed population dissatisfaction ranging from 54 to 93% (CFM, 2014, 2015, 2018). And yet, that high percentages of Brazilians evaluate public health as bad or terrible, which increased from 61% in 2011 to 75% in 2018 (CNI, 2012, 2018), which revealed a supposed dissatisfaction in public and supplementary health of Brazil. In an integrative bibliographical research on quality measurement and health user satisfaction in Brazil, the results obtained are timid and there are no records of standardization of quality and satisfaction measurement systems in Brazilian Health System whose acronym in Portuguese is SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde). Thus, the outlined objective was to adapt an international model by transliterating and revalidating the 22 questions on the Servqual scale (Berry, Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Adsit, 1994; Parasuraman, Berry, & Zeithaml, 1991a), for quality assessment and satisfaction in health services to support the development of a virtual platform to capture the experience of SUS users. In a world where data is what most matter, which generate information and knowledge and can be a basis for new strategies, methodologies for its collection, manipulation, transformation and visualization enable diagnoses, solutions to help users’ perceptions of a system in relation of quality of provided services. This study involved 220 managers and professionals (stakeholders) as well as 506 users for the cross-cultural translation and validation of the Servqual scale constructs for the SUS context and presents a way of extracting knowledge of specialists and users through the cross-cultural adaptation of Servqual Scale, which resulted in the instrument QUALITY SAÚDE (Health quality in portuguese) of measuring expectation and perception from users of Brazilian health system (SUS), measuring their satisfaction. Data were extracted from a relational database in order to be consulted in an organized way, quickly and mainly without unnecessary use of repeated data, bringing integrity. Data were manipulated and transformed using a BI tool, which allowed visualization in an analytical and synthetic way, being able to be analyzed in a micro (small samples of data) and macro (large samples of data), facilitating decision making process, proposing improvements, making diagnoses, proposing solutions.


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