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Author(s):      Somkiat Kitjongthawonkul
ISBN:      978-972-8939-09-0
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes, Pedro IsaĆ­as and Philip Powell
Year:      2010
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Technology-centred, Human-centred, Software engineering, Human-computer interaction, E-commerce, Computational intelligent systems.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      223
Last Page:      230
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      A number of frameworks for software development have flourished, some are tightly prescriptive, thus strongly technology-centred, and provide certain steps which one might use to develop information systems, while others are rather descriptive and loosely coupled with technology or tool sets to build a system. However, none of these approaches lays down the criteria for human or user-centredness for system development. The aim of this paper is to firstly establish the criteria for human-centred system development. Based on the criteria, we then pragmatically evaluate various areas related to business computing like software engineering, e-commerce, human-computer interaction, and computational intelligent systems on human-centredness. Unlike most existing human-centred approaches which primarily look at user acceptance issues at the human-computer interface level, our human-centred approach have adopted a more comprehensive view, which includes, among other aspects, modeling human-centredness not only at the interface but also at the underlying system design or task level.

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