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Author(s):      Insyirah Abd Razak, Nafisah Abdul Rahiman and Norazam Othman
ISBN:      978-989-8704-48-1
Editors:      Miguel Baptista Nunes, Pedro IsaĆ­as and Philip Powell
Year:      2023
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Environmental Management, Training, Construction Industry, Gamification, Serious Game
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      249
Last Page:      253
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:     

Construction activities are a major source of environmental pollution. Environmental Management Systems (EMS) which aim to minimize adverse environmental effects and maximize environmental benefits, have gained attention recently. However, the human capital in EMS is insufficient to realize its full potential in preventing environmental issues. Environmental management training (EMT) is required to provide knowledge and skills regarding good practices in sustainability, a safe and hygienic work environment and reducing environmental risks resulting from construction activities. Gamification approaches for EMT have the potential to empower knowledge and skills effectively for construction players. This study's objectives are (i) to highlight challenges in EMT, (ii) to highlight effective measures in EMT, and (iii) to discuss the potential of gamification for effective EMT. Challenges in EMT include low environmental awareness, saturated training content, lack of hands-on approach, lack of visualization from training with real practice. Effective measures in EMT includes increases environmental awareness, increases motivation with rewards system, employee engagement, and strategy of designing effective training delivery. The potential of gamification can be seen through improving employees' motivation and attractive engagement, meanwhile serious game capacity to transfer skills and knowledge of environmental management innovatively and effectively. The limitation of the study is that it only explored the theoretical integration of EMT and gamification in the construction industry. Future research should focus on the actual application of gamification for EMT in the industry.


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