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Author(s):      Ricardo Llamosa-Villalba, Dario J. Delgado, Heidi P. Camacho, Ana M. Paéz, Raúl F. Valdivieso
ISBN:      978-989-8533-23-4
Editors:      Demetrios G. Sampson, J. Michael Spector, Dirk Ifenthaler and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2014
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Enterprise Architecture, Agile Methods, Simulation, Maturity Models, Quality Assurance.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      119
Last Page:      126
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      This paper relates the "Agile School", an emerging archetype of the enterprise architecture: "Processes of Organizational Leadership" for leading and managing strategies, tactics and operations of forming in Higher Education Institutions. Agile School is a system for innovation and deep transformation of University Institutions in which it starts with the identity and it ends at the self-governance and social responsibility, around satisfaction and transcendence by the outcomes at environment, resources and people. Our work research is based on the "Executables Enterprise Architectures" using "Lean and Agile methodologies through of Serious Play paradigm" for linking the senses with emotional and cognitive areas as a means to accelerate identification, analysis and problem solving, enhance decision-making and develop commitment actions by all stakeholders. With Agile School, it is possible acknowledge and reach consensus to propose architectural solutions supported in the holistic views of individuals and collectives, using simulation scenarios of past and future, to build concrete and clear architectures that enable innovation and iterative improvement using information and communication technologies through of real and virtual environments. With this perspective it could ensure efficient and effective quality of design and development according of required products and services. Particularly, Agile School is based in the "Educational Process Maturity Model - EPMM/PE" with five high performance levels, in which products or services are on a continuous improvement due to innovation, competitiveness, flexibility and productivity.

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