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Author(s):      Zacharoula Andreopoulou, Dimitra Papagiannopoulou and Thekla Tsitsoni
ISBN:      978-989-8704-47-4
Editors:      Piet Kommers, Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2023
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Climate Change, Urban Areas, Urban Trees, Online App, Phenology, ICTs
Type:      Poster
First Page:      485
Last Page:      488
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play an important role in addressing the major challenges related with climate change and sustainable development. ICTs are tools for the monitoring of climate change, the mitigating and adapting to its effects contributing at the same time to the development of the green economy. Green development is a proposal for a new kind of pioneering development, where the environment and quality is not a parameter or another industry policy, but the main axis and basis of an innovative and alternative development plan of a country in the global socioeconomics. According to researches, the air temperature shows an increasing trend in recent years. Urban trees have an important value in urban ecosystems because they are carbon sinks and they help urban areas to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Nowadays, the new information technologies (ICTs) and their services are modern tools via them a big amount of knowledge and data can be transferred. These tools promote new improved relationships between people and environment that is necessary for a sustainable natural environment. They also provide benefits for both recipients. Aim of this paper is to describe the online app which was constructed within the framework of the project LIFE CliVut (Climate Value of Urban Trees) LIFE18 GIC/IT/001217 and the process by which the phenological data is entered into the app. Online app ( is a modern tool, an online database that provides data on the behavior of urban trees in climatic conditions via the science of phenology to both experts and citizens. Experts can monitor the behavior of the trees and shrubs over the years and they also will detect changes that happens in the urban species immediately. Online database app was created to be used as a user-friendly tool for environmentalists, biologists, foresters, urban planners, landscape architects, local authorities, aiming to support urban green. This app will help experts to compare data that entered in years and derive results that shows the impact of climate change in phenological stages of urban trees.

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