Digital Library


Author(s):      Ilgun Ko , Hee-sun Kim
ISBN:      978-972-8924-59-1
Editors:      Katherine Blashki
Year:      2008
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      MPEG-4, LASeR, Graphical Editor, Mutimedia service, XML Generator, GUI
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      314
Last Page:      318
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      With recent developments in mobile communication technology and the rapid spread of multimedia mobile and portable terminals, there is a growing requirement for DMB broadcasting, mobile portal and the application of interactive rich-media services on IPTV. However, as BIFS(Binary Format Scene) was developed based on the personal computer, it has limitations in the mobile environment where resources are limited. Thus, MPEG has proposed LASeR (Lightweight Application Scene Representation) standard as a service standard technology for two-way rich media services suitable for the mobile environment as MPEG-4 Part20 at present. Thus, in this paper, we designed and implemented a Graphical Editor for general users based on the LASeR standard, which is a standardization that is currently in progress. The Editor allows users to author on a Graphic User Interface (GUI) and generate this as a LASeRXML file in the structuralized XML form. This paper’s proposed LASeR Graphical Editor consists of a user interface on which the general user can intuitively compose a 2D graphics and media objective through a GUI, an attributes manager that manages the attributes of the user, a Scene-Tree manager that generates and maintains the structuralized midterm data in XML form, and a file generator that generates LASeR-XML file for encoding in SAF format, the transmission standard of LASeR.

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