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Author(s):      Zoltán László , Balázs Simon
ISBN:      972-8924-09-7
Editors:      Nuno Guimarães, Pedro Isaías and Ambrosio Goikoetxea
Year:      2006
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Model Driven Development, Aspect Orientation, Automatic Code Generation, Metaprogramming.
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      498
Last Page:      502
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      When it comes to software quality improvement and increasing the efficiency of software creation, automatic generation of program code is paramount and bears key importance. Since modern development tools and methods produce more and more automatically generated code, the focus these days is shifting towards code generation. The code generators of currently available development tools are using special, sequential execution-based script languages that prevent additional modification of the generated code segment within the same generation cycle. This way of operation basically excludes aspect weaving-based code generation. Authors of this article propose a code generation architecture that allows the usage of aspects in code generation on two different levels. Code generation starts from the UML model of the program exported in XMI. The generator constructs a MOF conform model and extends it based on aspects (design patterns). Going through the extended model the generator organizes the operations to be executed during code generation into a tree structure, the tree is then modified according to the code level patterns (such as exception handling), and the old source code parts are attached. The platform independent – thus, reusable – and platform dependent elements in the generator are clearly separable. In the present article authors introduce the architecture and the prototype system created based on that architecture.

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