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Author(s):      Johan Stymne
ISBN:      978-989-8704-16-0
Editors:      Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez, Pedro Isaías and Boyan Bontchev
Year:      2020
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Mobile Learning in Outdoor Settings, Mobile Learning, Outdoor Learning, Systematic Review, State of the Art
Type:      Full
First Page:      63
Last Page:      70
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Learning with mobile technology, or mobile learning, is gaining more and more interest in education. One example is mobile learning in outdoor settings, where mobile technology can support students’ interaction with the physical environment. To understand how mobile technology has been used in learning activities in outdoor settings, a systematic review was carried out. A number of reviews on mobile learning and on specific sub-areas such as language learning or computer education have been published in scientific journals and conferences. So far, however, no systematic review has focused on mobile learning in outdoor settings. To address this problem and to guide the review the following research questions were posed: “Which are the educational subjects and educational levels in mobile learning in outdoor settings?” and “What types of technologies and methods for data collection and annotation are used in mobile learning in outdoor settings?”. In total 87 articles were included in this review. The conclusions include that biology was the most common subject, primary or elementary school the most common educational levels, GPS was the major technology used for positioning and navigation, AR was the most common technology used for augmenting the outdoor learning environment, and taking photos and taking notes was the most common methods for data collection in outdoor settings. Building on the conclusions of this review and on previous reviews, suggestions are made for future research.

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