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Author(s):      Oliver Bohl , Shakib Manouchehri , Sebastian Ammermueller , Oliver Gerstheimer
ISBN:      978-972-8924-44-7
Editors:      Pedro Isaías , Miguel Baptista Nunes and João Barroso (associate editors Luís Rodrigues and Patrícia Barbosa)
Year:      2007
Edition:      V II, 2
Keywords:      Mobile Social Software, Social Networks, Web-based Services, Web Communities
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      138
Last Page:      144
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The networking of people is fostered by web-based social networks and communities like myspace, linkedin, flickr and a lot of people make intensive use of social software like skype,, and youtube. Those applications can mainly be described as ICT-supported tools which empower users either to create content and share this content with anyone they invite (or the whole world) or to establish connections with existing contacts or add new ones. Furthermore the usage of mobile devices nowadays is an integral part of most people’s everyday life. Consequently a linkage between these formerly separate fields is seen as a high potential application for mobile services and contains potentials to foster the diffusion of the mobile Internet. Thus this article aims to illustrate potentials and limitations for the widespread diffusion of social software and social networking tools on mobile devices.

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