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Author(s):      Joaquin Vila Ruiz , Barbara Beccue
ISBN:      972-99353-0-0
Editors:      Pedro Isaías and Nitya Karmakar
Year:      2004
Edition:      2
Keywords:      Data Representation, Data Types, Data Storage, Memory Map.
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      826
Last Page:      829
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      This paper describes Memory Inspector, an interactive web-based tutorial on data storage types and an alternative method for teaching these concepts. Memory Inspector was designed as a supplement to lecture material presented in Information Technology undergraduate courses. Memory Inspector allows students to learn data types in two ways: using illustrated narrative format for the student to read and visualize data type concepts and using interactive tools such as conversion calculators and memory map inspectors for the student to drill and practice the concepts being learned. Memory Inspector covers the following topics: introduction to data types including character representation using ASCII and EBCDIC standards, integers and floats using binary, 2’s complements and IEEE 754 standards; memory inspectors in binary and hexadecimal; conversion calculators to understand data types and number systems; sound representations using Wave and MIDI formats; raster image representation using bitmap, GIF and JPEG formats, and Vector graphics using the SVG specification.

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