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Author(s):      Frank Bongers , Christiaan Holland , Rens Vandeberg
ISBN:      972-98947-0-1
Editors:      António Palma dos Reis and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2003
Edition:      1
Keywords:      E-government, international benchmarking, methodology and measurement tools.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      195
Last Page:      203
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      In this paper we describe research we have conducted on measuring e-government in the Netherlands. This research was commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior in the Netherlands. There are many aspects and benefits of e-government which are missing in existing measuring tools and concepts. Existing benchmark studies lack a theoretical basis and merely look at the availability of electronic government services. Actual use or the impact of electronic public services is not captured. We therefore have developed a new concept and measuring tool on e-government. This tool is being used in our benchmarking study. We have described methodological aspects of our approach in this paper. We believe our experience in this research project and this measuring tool can contribute to the discussion on new ways to measure and evaluate e-government in an international perspective.

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