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Author(s):      Margaret Tan, Johan Stetsko
ISBN:      978-972-8939-36-6
Editors:      Gunilla Bradley, Diane Whitehouse and Gurmit Singh
Year:      2011
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Facebook users profile, impression-management, social-monitoring, data protection and privacy, social forums
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      19
Last Page:      26
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      As data protection and privacy concerns are important especially in the ubiquitous digital network, this study examines the types of information Facebook users share in the virtual communities. A quasi-experimental method is used to analyze the profiles of 300 Facebook users equally distributed between males and females from Singapore, USA and UK. Using Facebook accounts created by the pseudo-users, one male and one female, “friend requests” were sent to Facebook members selected randomly in each of three countries. The findings showed there was a significant difference between the behavior of Singapore and American users but not with the British users: Singaporeans accepted friend requests to a higher degree than the American and English nationals. However, there was no significant difference between males or females. The study provides an interesting context in which culture, as implied in nationality may provide insights into the type of information one reveals or provides to others.

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