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Author(s):      Richard Lackes, Erik Frank, Chris Börgermann
ISBN:      978-972-8924-99-7
Editors:      Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2010
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      E-Learning, M-Learning, Sequence-based learning, Location-based Learning, Education
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      109
Last Page:      115
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The classic learning process at its core has changed with the diffusion of mobile technologies. Yet m-learning is often classified as standard e-learning on mobile devices regardless of how they are deployed. Hereinafter not the technology will be surveyed but the learning process. The consideration of the actual learning process taking into account the mobility of learners and not so much the mobility of assistive technology, remains ignored as far as possible. Thus, we question whether mobile learning really is only a technological advance that detached the former location-bound e-learning from non mobile IT decoupled obtained or whether the enhanced mobility of the individual allows new forms of learning, which take into account his location or relocation. Therefore based upon location-based learning we want to formally introduce a new form of m-learning, the so called sequence-based learning, which in addition shall be explained with a detailed example.

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