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Author(s):      Fukun Wu, Li Xiao and Yi Cao
ISBN:      978-989-8533-66-1
Editors:      Yingcai Xiao and Ajith P. Abraham
Year:      2017
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Biological iridescences, iridescence shading model, backscattering and anisotropic, multilayer film interference equation, microfacet scattering coefficien
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      55
Last Page:      62
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Rendering biological iridescences due to subwavelength structures has been a challenge in ray tracers. The colors are joint actions of interference, diffraction, absorption and scattering of light on microscopic structures. This paper proposes a general iridescent shading model that allows to render the complex backscattering and anisotropic iridescent colors of Morpho butterflies photo-realistically. The presented model builds on the optical interactions of light and scales of butterfly wings with a quasi-periodic arrangement of tree-like ridges. Multilayer film interference equation is first introduced to analyze the multiple reflection, refraction and absorption of light inside ridges. It is extended to incorporate the microfacet scattering coefficient to account for the anisotropic wave characteristics. We demonstrate the validity of the proposed method by visualizing butterfly examples which match the experimental description of iridescence properties.

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