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Author(s):      Richard Myrick T. Arellaga, Jermine V. Dacanay, Rhealyn B. Valenzuela, Melvin F. Ellorin and Jose Alberto D. Pataweg
ISBN:      978-989-8704-38-2
Editors:      Piet Kommers, Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2022
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Agricultural Product Tariff System, Quick-Response (QR) Code, Cashless and Contactless Transactions, Electronic Wallet, Mobile Application Technology
First Page:      231
Last Page:      236
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      ABSTRACT Covid-19 pandemic that affects the whole world today. Local governments support all possible solutions to limit the exposure of its people to the disease. It promotes cashless and contactless transactions even in purchasing necessary goods. And since the government's strength comes from the revenues, refining the existing process is essential to survive this pandemic. The government imposes market tariffs to raise revenue, and many developing nations like the Philippines use taxes. In establishing trading hubs all over the country, the government also ensures income from market activities. Urdaneta City Bagsakan market is one of the biggest trading hubs of agricultural products in Northern Luzon. This study is about developing an automated tariff payment collection system for agricultural products like fruits and vegetables and livestock. It primarily aims to provide cashless and contactless transactions in collecting tariffs at Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. Currently, the collection of tariffs is still in manual collection and process. Reporting is done afterward by encoding the daily reports on a spreadsheet and is not always on time. It also includes a large amount of workforce to facilitate collection. Some anomalies always come up with the manual tariff payment, leading to the inaccuracy of reports affecting revenue. The system automates cash collection and produces reporting in real-time. It can also keep track of the list of traders that can facilitate the elimination of illegal trading. The system has two parts - (1) a mobile application to be used by traders, and (2) a cashiering system intended for market staff and administrators in the Bagsakan market. The mobile application for traders provides a contactless procedure of product valuation and tariff computation. It also has an electronic wallet to deliver a cashless transaction in tariff payment. The cashiering system for the market administrators for the following objectives: (1) provide support in loading the trader's app electronic wallet, (2) offer assistance to new trader's transactions, and (3) ensure valid transactions of tariff payment in trading hubs.

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