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Author(s):      Galileu Batista De Souza , Ulisses Telemaco Neto , Gleydson De Azevedo Ferreira Lima
ISBN:      972-98947-1-X
Editors:      Pedro IsaĆ­as and Nitya Karmakar
Year:      2003
Edition:      2
Keywords:      Java Server Pages; Session Management; Web Systems Development.
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      881
Last Page:      884
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The introduction of the Java Server Pages (JSP) technology offered many advantages to Java programmers and designers; they can combine several APIs, frameworks and platform independence in the productive development environment. For the limitations of the HTTP, JSP offers limited mechanisms of control session, so the establishment of the rigorous flow among the client actions and the state maintained in the server is hard. In the practice, this can generate inconsistencies in good part of the applications. That article discusses an extension to the session control of JSP, approaching the possible ones that can happen in the applications and soon after proposing the model that, through the uses identification tokens, solves such problems. We presented multiple variants of the solution and how to implement it in the several JSP programming styles.

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