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Author(s):      Juliana de Medeiros Matos and Márcia Maria Pereira Rendeiro
ISBN:      978-989-8533-82-1
Editors:      Pedro Isaías and Hans Weghorn
Year:      2018
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Von Willebrand's Disease, Hemophilia. Coagulopathies, Informatics in Health
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      206
Last Page:      212
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The increase in the use of mobile devices has also affected the health area, taking advantage of this context is increasing the number of applicatives specially developed to make the health professionals’ daily routine easier with the patient. Targeting to provide care support to the patient with hereditary coagulopathy, this paper aims to present the applicative developed during the Masters Degree course in e-health and e-medicine from UERJ. The applicative is able to provide, besides the support with scientific evidence for evaluation and classification of the patient, the qualification of the professionals in health care, which will allow the assistance of these patients in the primary care with quality and safety, avoiding unnecessary displacements by the patient and the overcrowding of the blood centers. The application was developed in 2 phases: elaboration of the prototype and pre-test. The software engineering methodology chosen for the elaboration of the applicative was Agile Methodologies. The applicative was developed for Android platform, using the JAVAScript language with Reactive-Native framework. The application was divided into 2 modules: Hemophilia module and Von Willebrand module. The application was named "Hemoapp" and 44 screens were created. In the pre-test the ergonomic and usability criteria were evaluated, obtaining a positive result from the evaluators, showing that it is feasible to use this tool in the permanent education and support to the management of the patient with hereditary coagulopathies.

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