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Author(s):      Man Lee Liu
ISBN:      978-972-8924-36-2
Editors:      Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez (series editors: Piet Kommers, Pedro Isaías and Nian-Shing Chen)
Year:      2007
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Mobile Learning, Mobile Programming, Offline Mobile Learning, Multimedia Guiding
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      237
Last Page:      241
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Mobile Learning is an important pedagogy to enhance the learning of students especially when they are having outdoor learning activities. From 2001, a 3-phase mobile learning project was started in a secondary school in Hong Kong. In the 1st phase, a novel mobile learning model making use of PDA and outdoor portable wireless LAN had been developed and being operated in the daily educational activities. Also, it makes the students familiar to the mobile computer devices and mobile technology, hence we proceeded to the phase 2 to start the mobile programming training for students. Then students are encouraged to apply their innovation to create their own inventions and products. Thus, students are shifted from an “user of mobile applications” to become a “Creator of mobile applications”. In the 3rd phase, 2 more innovative mobile learning pedagogies, “Offline Mobile Learning” and “Multimedia Guiding”, are proposed. A number of learning packages were developed. Also, a computerized client-server system, called “Offline Mobile Learning System”, had been developed. Besides, a large-scale promotion of “Mobile Programming Training” to schools in Hong Kong is being undertaken. This paper is aimed to introduce this 3-phase project, and to share the experience of conducting such project.

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