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Author(s):      Liisa Dawson , Shailey Minocha , Marian Petre
ISBN:      972-98947-0-1
Editors:      António Palma dos Reis and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2003
Edition:      2
Keywords:      E-Business; E-Commerce; Total Customer Experience; Customer Retention; Usability; User observations.
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      945
Last Page:      948
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      When considering the design of Web sites for E-Commerce, the HCI literature leans predominantly towards the usability of the core Web site. This is important, as the Web site constitutes the front-end of the E-Commerce environment. However, usability is only one aspect within the ‘E-Commerce environment’. In this paper we are concerned with examining the Customer to Business (C2B) interaction from a customer’s perspective. This stretches across all touch points of the E-Commerce environment. We have employed the phrase ‘total customer experience’ (TCE) to encapsulate the additional interactions between the customer and E-Commerce that occur beyond the Web site. Creating a valuable TCE is important for E-Businesses in order to acquire customers, but more importantly to retain customers. This paper reports findings from studies that investigated barriers which can prevent customers from achieving a satisfactory experience with an E-Commerce environment. We examined the TCE and in particular those factors that lead to the demise of a valuable TCE. We employed a selection of complementary techniques that enabled us to build an understanding of what constitutes a TCE, and which factors mar the customer’s experience. This paper intends to first, illustrate the importance of considering the TCE when developing E-Commerce Environments and second, to describe the methodology that we used to study the TCE.

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