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Author(s):      Michael Sobolewski
ISBN:      ISSN: 1646-3692
Editors:      Anna Derezińska (Guest Editor)
Year:      2008
Edition:      V III, 1
Keywords:      service-oriented programming, metacomputing, grid computing, dynamic computing federations, largescale distributed systems
Type:      Journal Paper
First Page:      86
Last Page:      109
Language:      English
Cover:      no-img_eng.gif          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Six generations of RPC systems can be distinguished including Federated Method Invocation presented in this paper. Some of them—CORBA, Java RMI, and Web/OGSA services—support distributed objects. However, creating object wrappers implementing remote interfaces doesn’t have a great deal to do with object-oriented distributed programming. Distributed objects developed that way are usually illstructured, difficult to use, with missing core object-oriented traits. A distributed system is not just a collection of distributed objects—it is the network of dynamic objects that come and go. In particular, the object wrapping approach does not help to cope with network-centric messaging, invocation latency, object discovery, dynamic object federations, fault detection, recovery, partial failure, etc. The Jini™ service architecture does not hide the network; it allows the programmer to deal with the network reality to form dynamic service federations. However, handling low-level networking details in Jini does not help to cope with complex network programming to dynamically cluster, federate, and utilize efficiently various network services easily. A new network programming methodology is presented in this paper. It uses the intuitive metacomputing semantics and the Triple Command design pattern. The pattern defines how service objects communicate by sending one another a form of service messages called exertions that encapsulate data, operations, and control strategy.

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