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Author(s):      Andreas Walter , Gabor Nagypal , Khaled Nagi
ISBN:      978-972-8924-68-3
Editors:      Pedro IsaĆ­as, Miguel Baptista Nunes and Dirk Ifenthaler
Year:      2008
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      ImageNotion, Navigation through image archives, Web 2.0, Semantic search
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      442
Last Page:      447
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Semantic search techniques have a big potential in exploring image archives as they provide better search results than traditional full-text search. Within our ImageNotion application, we develop and combine these techniques to improve end user experience by providing innovative query refinement and navigation features. We have already reported on our work on the ImageNotion methodology and tools [6] which includes collaborative and work-integrated ontology creation, semantic annotation, and the possibility to automate the annotation process using text mining and image processing techniques to construct the image archive. In this paper, we describe some novel techniques in our ImageNotion application for visual query refinement and navigation through image parts to be used by image searchers. We conducted an online survey with more than hundred participants who tested the publicly available online version of this system. We analyze the results, and show what users think about the potential of semantic techniques for the exploration of image archives based on this concrete and working semantic image search application. The insights we gain will guide the further development of the ImageNotion system, and are interesting for all kinds of semantic multimedia information systems in general.

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