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Author(s):      Linn Gustavsson Christiernin , Ulf Erstorp , Staffan Magnusson , Peter Ångfors , Stefan Mankefors-christiernin
ISBN:      978-972-8924-30-0
Editors:      Nuno Guimarães and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2007
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Multi-Layered Design, Complex systems, Multi-user Portal, Citrix, Realization.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      27
Last Page:      34
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      In large organizations there are usually rather large groups of heterogeneous users with different tasks and different needs. Their requirements would most likely vary a lot when the system is designed to grant them access to different parts of the functions and applications In our earlier work we have tested the interface concept of Multi-Layered Design (MLD) on an operating system where each layer had a set of applications and tools. The users working with the system could get access to different applications depending on their level of experience or their different needs. The current paper presents how the MLD concept is taken one step further; implementing a layered design in a multi-user portal on a Citrix server. When a network solution is used, new available possibilities are given. The MLD approach can be combined with a role based access technique can the layered structure can be used in different ways for many different groups of users. In the study a MLD mushroom structure is employed where the user category decides the set of layers the different user groups can choose from while the individual user’s tasks and experience guide the choice of the specific layer. Thin clients are used to access the layer structure and five personas are made to represent the potential user groups. The results show that MLD can be used within a Citrix environment and that it is a viable alternative or complement for multi-user portals.

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